Calvary & Co.


Who we are:

To worship God is an active expression that should infuse the daily life of every Jesus follower. Through worship, we convey our deep gratitude for the grace and mercy bestowed upon us through Jesus Christ. Calvary & Co. comprises a group of creatives dedicated to assisting others in expressing worship to God through various mediums. Much like the Levite priests of the Old Testament, our purpose is found in guiding the church into moments of spiritual renewal through music, visual arts, and technical arts. It is in our collective and individual worship of God, as well as through prayer, that we establish a unique, personal connection with Him that cannot be replicated in any other way.

We believe that God demands our best as worship leaders and so we pursue a culture of excellence; however, we value presence over presentation, people over position, encounter over entertainment, and JESUS over EVERYTHING!  There is no room for personal ego when it's all about JESUS.

Occasionally we have openings for other talented creatives to join our worship & creative arts ministry.  If you would like to connect with Calvary & Co. about scheduling an audition, please click on the link below and fill out the initial audition form.  Make sure to fill it out completely and we will contact you if there is an opening and schedule a time for you to visit with our team leads to begin your audition process.